• The Triangular Wave system keeps equipment surfaces clean of bio-fouling and prevents bio-corrosion  from sources such as sulfate-reducing bacteria

  • With higher concentration ratios allowed, the TDS levels and pH levels rise; at higher pH's there is a much smaller chance of corrosion according to Langlier's Scale

Prevents Formation of Scale Etc. Corrosion in fluid systems can be explained in terms of electrochemistry; either the deterioration of metallic structures, usually with the loss of metal to solution, or through biological action. Corrosion is the tendency of a metal to revert to its natural state as an ore. All refined metals have the tendency to revert thermodynamically to more stable forms, such as those which occur naturally on earth.

One of the common corrosion products, iron oxide, is one form of iron ore. In this kind of corrosion, metals will give up electrons in chemical reactions at the metal surface, and then the remaining metal ion will form an oxide molecule and flake off of the metal surface.

The Triangular Wave System allows the water to carry higher concentration ratios of scale ions. The water thereby becomes more basic (higher pH), and the metal has a much lower tendency to give up electrons and start the corrosion process.

In cases where biofilm has formed on the equipment surfaces, the electrochemical reaction can be started by bacteria such as the sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB). The SRB live deep in the biofilm at the metal surface. In that area there is little oxygen. Therefore, the SRB react with the available sulfate ions and strip away the oxygen. The remaining sulfur reacts with hydrogen ions to form sulfuric acid, which attacks the metal surface.

Chemical-Free Water Treatment

Industrial Process Streams

Deposit Control Benefits

Corrosion Control

Biofilm Control

Save Water and Other Costs

Energy Savings

Softening Benefits

The Triangular Wave System prevents the formation of the biofilm habitat that would support the SRB, and therefore prevents biological corrosion.