Application Triangular Wave Technologies Benefits


Tanker equipment Deposit control in pumps and transfer lines. Transfer lines choke or get lines with deposits from the precipitation of impurities in the crude oil or other cargo. The Triangular Wave System will help hold the impurities in suspension
Engines Deposit control in water cooled jackets, transfer lines and coolers; deposit control in heat exchangers used to produce hot water service for crew and passengers; deposit control in head chambers on engines, which are very vulnerable and use extra fuel if they are not cooled properly. Poorly cooled head chambers can carbonize, which is costly to repair.
Steam turbines Deposit control to prevent scale plating on the buckets and stators. Scale causes inefficient operation, fuel consumption rises, and possible of the turbines
Waste water Deposit control to prevent occluded lines, scaled tanks, toilet purging problems, pump packings leaking, etc. Dissolved solids in the sea water used for toilets lead to the deposit problems
Potable water Deposit control in desalination equipment (distillation or reverse osmosis)
Ballasts Deposit control of dissolved solids from the sea water on the pumping equipment.
Laundry Deposit control on ironing equipment and boilers.
Typical Equipment that will benefit from TWT systems Boilers, heat exchangers, pumps, and valves.


Application Triangular Wave Technologies Benefits
Water cooled guns Deposit control of cooling jackets
Electronic equipment Deposit control of cooling systems
Tanker equipment Deposit control in pumps and transfer lines. Transfer lines choke or get lines with deposits from the precipitation of impurities in the crude oil or other cargo. The Triangular Wave System will help hold the impurities in suspension.
Engines Deposit control in water cooled jackets, transfer lines and coolers; deposit control in heat exchangers used to produce hot water service for crew and passengers; deposit control in head chambers on engines, which are very vulnerable and use extra fuel if they are not cooled properly. Poorly cooled head chambers can carbonize, which is costly to repair.
Steam turbines Deposit control to prevent scale plating on the buckets and stators. Scale causes inefficient operation, fuel consumption rises, and possible of the turbines.
Waste water Deposit control to prevent occluded lines, scaled tanks, toilet purging problems, pump packings leaking, etc. Dissolved solids in the sea water used for toilets lead to the deposit problems
Potable water Deposit control in desalination equipment (distillation or reverse osmosis)
Ballasts Deposit control of dissolved solids from the sea water on the pumping equipment.
Laundry Deposit control on ironing equipment and boilers.
Typical Equipment that will benefit from TWT systems Boilers, heat exchangers, pumps, and valves.


Application Triangular Wave Triangular Benefits
Engines Deposit control in water cooled jackets, transfer lines and coolers; deposit control in heat exchangers used to produce hot water service for crew and passengers; deposit control in head chambers on engines, which are very vulnerable and use extra fuel if they are not cooled properly. Poorly cooled head chambers can carbonize, which is costly to repair.
Steam turbines Deposit control to prevent scale plating on the buckets and stators. Scale causes inefficient operation, fuel consumption rises, and possible of the turbines.
Waste water Deposit control to prevent occluded lines, scaled tanks, toilet purging problems, pump packings leaking, etc. Dissolved solids in the sea water used for toilets lead to the deposit problems
Potable water Deposit control in desalination equipment (distillation or reverse osmosis)
Ballasts Deposit control of dissolved solids from the sea water on the pumping equipment.
Laundry Deposit control on ironing equipment and boilers.
Typical equipment that will benefit from TWT systems Boilers, heat exchangers, pumps, and valves
What do I need to know about water problems and TWT treatment system selection?

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